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| Alumni , Stories

Yusra Hamidani Is Unapologetically Muslim

It is Ramadan and Women’s History Month, and Yusra Hamidani wants Muslim Americans to speak their truth. Yusra was born in Karachi, Pakistan, and immigrated to the U.S. when she was five years old. In high school, she was selected for an Act Six scholarship…
| Alumni

Arturo Lucatero’s Journey from Mexico to Microsoft

Arturo Lucatero, Act Six alum and Degrees of Change board chair, has always loved computers. A first-generation Mexican American and first-generation college graduate, his dream was to work at Microsoft—a dream he has accomplished for the last eight and a half years. There were a…
| Alumni

Blake Shelley Is Breaking Chains and Changing Lives

Blake Shelley, Act Six alum, is a lot of cool things. He is the author of three books, a motivational speaker, and a life coach. He is a TikTok and Instagram influencer. He also lives with Cerebral Palsy (CP), a group of movement disorders appearing…
*Important Act Six Update*Read the Press Release