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Degrees of change

To College and back. Together.

We prepare diverse, homegrown leaders to succeed in college and career in order to build more vibrant and equitable communities.
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| Student Voice

My Amazing Expedition Experience

by Josiah Tiblow Thirty-three strangers? In the woods? For three days? A month before the Degrees of Change Summer Expedition, many things ran through my mind. From the nerves of being away from home without…

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Meet the Second Seed Teachers Cohort

We are thrilled to announce the second cohort of Seed Teachers scholars. Our Seed Teachers program works for a more equitable public education system with teachers who reflect the students they serve. Our second cohort…

| Blog

Why A College Degree Still Matters

In an era of doom-and-gloom headlines about higher education, we simply cannot overlook the enduring value of a college degree. Earning a degree remains a game-changer, especially for the young leaders Degrees of Change serves,…

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Investing in
Tomorrow's Leaders

At Degrees of Change we are growing scholars and leaders. As a result, new generations of talented and connected, homegrown, college graduates are transforming their home communities and beyond.
Our Programs
Our Impact

We Get Results


Our scholars defy the status quo, graduating college at double the rate for students from similar demographics.


Diverse, homegrown leaders build more equitable systems on campus, at home and beyond.


Our programs support students from 7 communities across 5 states at 24 private and public, 4- and 2-year colleges.
*Important Act Six Update*Read the Press Release