Degrees of Change launched the Tacoma Completes initiative in 2019 in collaboration with the Foundation for Tacoma Students (FFTS). Focused on increasing the college completion rates for Tacoma Public Schools graduates by working on systems-level changes with community partners, Tacoma Completes has surfaced valuable data about college completion through the Tacoma Completes Environmental Scan (BERK Consulting, 2019) and the Student Voice Research report (Degrees of Change, 2020).
As of July 2021, to better support the continued evolution and growth of Tacoma Completes, the hosting and leadership of the initiative has moved from Degrees of Change to FFTS.
Degrees of Change remains committed as ever to the work of supporting young people on their journeys to and through college to strong careers. We will continue to contribute in other ways to systems change efforts to increase college completion in Tacoma, and we thank FFTS for its leadership of Tacoma Completes in its next season of development.
For more information about Tacoma Completes, please visit or contact Nalani Linder at